The full image gallery for Wolf LR-1 may be viewed at Wolf LR-1/Gallery. The 25,000-square-foot Nerf Action Xperience at Westfield Garden State Plaza will be the first in North America. These sets include the Battalion Set and the Ultimate Mission Pack. Hasbro Nerf Alpha Strike Flyte Cs 10 Start blasting with Alpha Strike blasters from Nerf, the number one blaster brand If youre new to the Nerf brand. Like the rest of the Alpha Strike line, the Wolf is included in various blaster sets. This features an altered grip, similar to the Fang's revised model or re-release. It was re-released in 2021 as the Mantis LR-1. Contents 1 Details 1.1 History 1.1.1 Criticism 2 Alpha Strike products 2.1 Blasters 2. Nerf Alpha Strike Flyte Cs-10 Motorized Blaster10-Dart Clip-Fed Blasting 20 Official Nerf Elite Darts For Kids Teens Adultsstart Blasting With Nerf Alpha.
It comes with a 10 dart clip magazine, so 10 darts can be fired in succession before needing to reload. Alpha Strike is a series of Nerf blasters that was released in 2019. Alpha Strike Year released Fall 2019 Shelf status Available Product number E7567 Average retail price 9. Burst Fire Mode: one dart at a time can be fired - by pressing the acceleration button and pulling the trigger. Later in August of that year, the Wolf was found on Walmart's website, deconfirming theories suggesting that the Wolf, along with the Lynx SD-1, would be a European exclusive. The motorized Nerf Alpha Strike Flyte CS-10 blaster with 10 darts invites fans to action. Later that year, the Wolf was found on a UK toy distributor website.

The Wolf was originally leaked online in early 2019. Official Nerf darts are tested and approved for performance and quality and constructed of foam with flexible, hollow tips. NERF Alpha Strike Flyte CS10 - Motorized Blasting Futuristic Rifle New 24.44. motorised 10-dart blasting with the clip-fed Flyte CS-10 blaster that has a 10-dart clip and fires one dart at a time. It comes with 12 Official Nerf Elite darts for multiple reloads. Load, prime, and fire in 3 quick steps to get into the action fast: Load 1 dart into the open breech, pull the handle to prime, and press the trigger to fire.

The Wolf LR-1 blaster features a targeting scope to help you line up your darts.